Kristin’s Story
By Cameron (Kristin’s Husband)
My Kristin is the most incredibly amazing woman. I am glad I get to talk about her and share a small portion of her amazingness.
She grew up as the second of six children. Ever since she was old enough to walk, she wanted children of her own. Kristin adopted her younger siblings and worked with her mother and father to take care of their needs. She spent the first few years growing up in the Bay Area of California, followed by a move to Delta, Utah, after which they moved to Maine for Kristin’s high school years. She subsequently did a year of college at Rick’s College in Idaho, went on an LDS mission to Las Vegas, Nevada, then finished up her bachelors at BYU in elementary education and early childhood development. She is currently in her sixth year of teaching Kindergarten. Each year she takes her group of five-year-olds and helps them learn so many vital reading, writing, and math skills. More importantly, she pours out love from her heart into theirs each day and helps them feel secure, wanted, and important. Having been in her classroom many times, I have seen the miracles she works with her kids. She has decided that when we adopt a child/children she will not teach professionally so that she can stay at home with them.
She wakes up early each morning, ready to spend the day in service to others. She helps get breakfast on, shovel the walks when it snows, keeps our home in order, and brightens every room she walks into.
Needless to say, I could write a novel about Kristin, but I will now keep it to bullet points.
Kristin enjoys:
-telling me she loves me (I think so anyway as she tells me numerous times each day)
-playing piano (she also has eight piano students she teaches every Saturday morning)
-tennis (she took lessons while at BYU)
-children (growing up, she would talk about having a bus to drive her bus-load of children around in)
-the sun/sunshine (we are destined to live someplace with lots of sunshine and warmth)
-roses, especially the ones that have just begun to bloom and are still mostly closed.
-gymnastics (she was on her high-school team and loves the uneven bars, floor and vault-not so much the beam though)
-Symphony chocolate bars
-romantic movies, including Enchanted, Tangled, and While You Were Sleeping
-Full House
-Full House
-BYU Football
-BYU Gymnastics
-and anything else BYU
-going for walks in the sunshine
-staying in contact with the friends she has made over the years
-ice-skating (she also took lessons during the summer recently)
-traveling (she has the goal of visiting all 50 states and wants to go to England)
-princesses/Disneyland (forget the rides, she wants to go to see the princesses and looks forward to taking our children there).
-snow skiing
-playing active games like Catch Phrase and Last Word, tag, dodge ball, etc.
-taking pictures (she loves photography as a hobby and wants to potentially do it for pay)
-attending the temple as often as she can.
Fun Facts:
-Kristin was a nanny for two different families, each for two summers in Delaware each family begged her to come back.
-She is incredibly creative. For my graduation, she created posters that had Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups taped to the left side with the “Reese’s” portion edited with a black marker to read “Reesons” and subsequently wrote reasons why she loved me.
-She compiled all the emails we wrote to each other over the course of the eight months we email-dated while she was in Utah and I was in Iraq into a book. She gave this book to me as a birthday present.
-Kristin has a “Kristin Quote Book” that is a compilation of various phrases she has made up or somewhat miss-stated such as “walk in a straight circle”, “as a teacher, my brain was going like 24 miles an hour”, and “you are a delicious cook!” (said to a chef on our honeymoon who’s cooking she thought was tasty).
-She starts pillow fights at random times, keeping me on my guard. Most of the time pillow fights will turn into tickle wars- she is incredibly persistent. Her feet are off limits though.
-She wrote a few poems when she was younger. One goes like this:
Twinkle, twinkle, little star
How I wonder where you are
Up above the world so low
Like a star in my back yard
-She loves mowing the lawn.
-Kristin is allergic to eggs, so we have found creative ways to make cookies, cakes, muffins, pancakes, and waffles. She is famous for her egg-free chocolate chip cookies, labeled “Kristin cookies”.
These are just a few things that I think of when I think of my dear wife. I hope you can come to know the woman I have learned about over these past five plus years of dating and marriage.